
Endpoints and responses for all token data

Token Specific

Get Token

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/token/:address

Available data about a specified token. type=min will return the minimal response while type=full will return everything on the token.

Includes: token price, liquidity, token sniffer score, contract analysis, deployment time, contract analysis, holder data, allocations, daily or hourly activity history, etc.

Path Parameters




Token contract address

Query Parameters



day | hour

If wanting to see hourly or daily history


full | min

Get full response data (Default: full)



Show PEPE AI Holders with property: `pepeAiHolders`





How many pool transactions to show per pool. txs property will be added to each pool

    data: {
        address: string                        # Token contract address
        symbol: string                         # Token symbol
        name: string                           # Token name
        decimals: string                       # Token decimals
        txCount: string                        # Transactions with token
        createdAt: string                      # Deployed at timestamp (UTC)
        website: string                        # Website URL
        logo: string                           # Token Image
        chainId: string                        # Chain ID
        owner: string                          # Token owner address
        marketCap?: {
            eth: string                        # Market Cap in ETH
            usd: string                        # Market Cap in USD
        volume: {
            eth: string                        # 24H Volume in ETH
            usd: string                        # 24H Volume in USD
        tvl?: {
            eth: string                        # TVL in ETH
            usd: string                        # TVL in USD
        liquidity?: {
            eth: string                        # Liquidity in ETH
            usd: string                        # Liquidity in USD
        price: {
            eth: string                        # Price in ETH
            usd: string                        # Price in USD
        totalSupply: string                    # Total supply of token
        pepeAiHolders?: [                      # Pepe AI Coupon holders that hold this token
                address: string
                balance: string | number
        deployer: string                        # Deployer wallet address
        score?: string                          # Token Sniffer score
        percentChange?: {                       # Percent changes for token price and volume
            price: {
                daily: number
                weekly: number
                monthly: number
            volume: {
                daily: number
                weekly: number
                monthly: number
        history?: [
               timestamp: string                       # Timestamp (UTC)
               volume: {
                  eth: string                          # Volume in ETH at that time
                  usd: string                          # Volume in USD at that time
                tvl?: {
                    eth: string                        # TVL in ETH at that time
                    usd: string                        # TVL in USD at that time
                liquidity?: {
                    eth: string                        # Liquidity in ETH at that time
                    usd: string                        # Liquidity in USD at that time
                 priceUSD: string                      # Token price at that time
                 feesUSD?: string                      # Fees generated from UniV3
                 open?: string                         # Ticker open (wnly with UniV3)
                 close?: string                        # Ticker close (only with UniV3
                 low?: string                          # Ticker low (only with UniV3)
                 high?: string                         # Ticker high (only with UniV3)
                 txCount?: string                      # Transaction count at that time
        analysis: {                                 
            pools: {
                count: string | number               # Amount of pools
                list: [                              # Available DEX liquidity pools
                      address: string                # Pool address
                      name: string                   # Pool name
                      base: {                        
                        symbol: string               # Pool base symbol
                        address: string              # Pool base address
                        reserve: string              # Pool base reserve
                      balances: {
                        owner: string                # Pool's owner balance
                        deployer: string             # Pool deployer balance
                        burned: string               # Amount burned
                        locked: string               # Amount locked
                      topHolders: [                  # Top LP holders
                            address: string          
                            balance: string
                      locks: [any]
                      txs?: [
                              pool: string           # Pool address
                              address: string        # Wallet address executing tx
                              amount: string         # Amount in respective token 
                              hash: string           # Transaction hash
                              timestamp: string      # UTC timestamp
                              type: 'sell' | 'buy'   # Buy or sell transaction
            contract: {                                # Token Sniffer response about contract
                verifiedSource: boolean                
                ownershipRenounced: boolean
                hasFeeModifier: boolean
                hasMaxTransactionAmount: boolean
                hasMint: boolean
                hasPause: boolean
                isUpgradable: boolean
                hasBlacklist: boolean
                buyFee: number
                sellFee: number
                isSellable: boolean
                isFlagged: boolean
            holders: {
                count: number                          # Amount of holders
                top: [                                 # List of top token holders
                        address: string                # Holder address
                        amount: number                 # Holder balance
                creatorHoldsLittle: boolean            # Creator holds less than 5%
                topTenRatio: boolean | 'N/A'           # The top 10% hold less than 5%
            balances: {                                # Current token balance allocations
                locked: {
                    amount: string                     # Token amount locked
                    share: string                      # Token percent locked
                burned: {
                    amount: string                     # Token amount burned
                    share: string                      # Token percent burned
                unlocked: {
                    amount: string                     # Token amount unlocked
                    share: string                      # Token percent unlocked
                owner: {
                    amount: string                     # Token amount owner holds
                    share: string                      # Token percent owner holds
                deployer: {
                    amount: string                     # Token amount deployer holds
                    share: string                      # Token percent deployer holds
            allocation: {                              # Token allocation
                team: string
                community: string
        firstTxs: [                                    # List of first transactions after deployment
                to: string
                timestamp: string                      # UTC timestamp of TX
                hash: string                           # TX Hash
                from: string                           # Wallet executed with
                amount: string                         # Amount of transaction
                asset: string                          # Token symbol
        pepeAiHolders?: [                              # Pepe AI Coupon holders that hold this token
                address: string
                balance: string | number
    message: 'Success'
    isError: false

Get Token Pools

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/token/:address/pools

Gets all pools that include the respective token.

Query Parameters




Amount of transactions for each pool. txs property will be added to the response.

    data: [
            address: string                  # Pool address
            name: string                     # Pool name
            base: {                        
                symbol: string               # Pool base symbol
                address: string              # Pool base address
                reserve: string              # Pool base reserve
            balances: {
                owner: string                # Pool's owner balance
                deployer: string             # Pool deployer balance
                burned: string               # Amount burned
                locked: string               # Amount locked
            topHolders: [                    # Top LP holders
                    address: string          
                    balance: string
            locks: [any]
            txs?: [                          # Pool transactions
                      pool: string           # Pool address
                      address: string        # Wallet address executing tx
                      amount: string         # Amount in respective token 
                      hash: string           # Transaction hash
                      timestamp: string      # UTC timestamp
                      type: 'sell' | 'buy'   # Buy or sell transaction
    message: 'Success'
    isError: false

Get Token Transfers

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/token/:address/txs

Gets list of most recent transfers performed on respective token.

Path Parameters




Token address

Query Parameters




Amount of transactions to retrieve (default: 15)



Paginated response that sends 15 transfers at a time

    data: [
          to: string                  # To address
          from: string                # From address
          amount: string              # Amount sent in token terms
          hash: string                # Transaction hash
          timestamp: string           # Timestamp (UTC)
          asset: string               # Token symbol
    message: 'Success'
    isError: false

Get Top Token Holders

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/token/:address/top

Gets top 10 token holders.

    data: [
            address: string                        # Wallet address
            balance: string | number               # Token balance
            share: number                          # Share percent of total token supply
    message: 'Success'
    isError: false

Check If Address(es) Hold Token

POST https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/token/:address/holders

Checks if list of addresses hold the specific token and returns their wallet address and respective balances.

    data: [
            address: string
            balance: string | number
    message: 'Success'
    isError: false

Multiple Tokens

Get Tokens

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/tokens

Gets all tokens listed on both UniSwapV3 and SushiSwap and ordered by symbol.

Includes: metadata, volume, tvl, fees, and price

Query Parameters




Limits how many data points is queried (Max: 1000)



How many data points to skip in the query



Minimum amount of volume to query for



Minimum amount of liquidity to query for



Minimum amount of transactions required



Show more than 1000 results

    data: [
            address: string
            symbol: string
            name: string
            decimals: string
            txCount: string
            poolCount: string
            totalSupply: string
            volume: {
              token: string
              usd: string
            tvl: {
              token: string
              usd: string
            priceUSD: string
            feesUSD: string
    message: 'Success'
    isError: false

Get New Tokens

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/tokens/new

Get newest 100 deployed tokens.

Each item in the list contains: token metadata, price, owner address, transaction data, etc.

    data: [
        address: string;
        totalSupply: string | number;
        name: string;
        symbol: string;
        decimals: string | number;
        price: {                                      # Price-related data
          rate: string | number
          currency: string
          diff: string | number
          diff7d: string | number
          diff30d: string | number
          marketCapUsd: string | number
          availableSupply: string | number
          volume24h: string | number
          ts: string | number
        } | false;
        owner: string
        countOps: string | number                      # Operations count
        totalIn: string | number
        totalOut: string | number
        transfersCount: string | number
        ethTransfersCount: string | number
        holdersCount: string | number
        issuancesCount: string | number
        image?: string
        description?: string
        website?: string
        lastUpdated?: string                            # Last time Ethplorer updated this
        added: string | number
    message: 'Success'
    isError: false

Get Top Tokens

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/tokens/top

Shows top 50 most active tokens for the last 30 days.

Each item in the list contains: token metadata, price, owner address, transaction data, etc.

    data: [
        address: string
        totalSupply: string
        name: string
        symbol: string
        decimals: string
        price: {
          rate: number
          currency: string
          diff: number
          diff7d: number
          diff30d: number
          marketCapUsd: number
          availableSupply: number
          volume24h: number
          ts: number
        owner: string
        countOps: number
        transfersCount: number
        holdersCount: number
        issuancesCount: number
        lastUpdated: number
    message: 'Success'
    isError: false

Last updated