
Endpoints and responses for SushiSwap UniSwap V3's Pool Data

Pool Specific

Get Pool

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/pool/:address

Get data about a specific liquidity pool including quote token price, daily or hourly history, total value locked, and much more.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    data: {
      pool:       {
        address: string
        createdAt: string (UTC)
        txCount: string
        volumeUSD: string
        protocol: 'uniswap' | 'sushiswap';
        usdPrice: string;
        tradeLink?: string;
        tvl: {
          usd: string
          eth: string
        baseToken: {
          address: string
          symbol: string
          name: string
          decimals: string
          price: string
          volume: string
          tvl: string
        quoteToken: {
          address: string
          symbol: string
          name: string
          decimals: string
          price: string
          volume: string
          tvl: string
      history?: [
          timestamp: string (UTC)
          tick: string
          liquidity: string
          txCount: string
          tvlUSD: string
          feesUSD: string
          volumeUSD: string
          open: string
          close: string
          low: string
          high: string
          token0: {
            price: string
            volume: string
          token1: {
            price: string
            volume: string
      txs?: [
          pool: string
          address: string
          amount: string
          hash: string
          timestamp: string
          type: 'sell' | 'buy'
    message: 'Success'
    isError: false

Get Pool Transactions

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/pool/:address/txs

Gets pool transactions

Includes: Wallet address, buy or sell, amount, etc

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    data: [
              pool: string
              address: string
              amount: string
              hash: string
              timestamp: string
              type: 'sell' | 'buy'
    message: 'Success'
    isError: false

Multiple Pools

Get Pools

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/pools

Gets all available liquidity pools on UniswapV3 and SushiSwap.

Query Parameters

    data: [
        address: string
        createdAt: string (UTC)
        txCount: string
        volumeUSD: string
        protocol: 'uniswap' | 'sushiswap';
        usdPrice: string;
        tradeLink?: string;
        tvl: {
          usd: string
          eth: string
        baseToken: {
          address: string
          symbol: string
          name: string
          decimals: string
          price: string
          volume: string
          tvl: string
        quoteToken: {
          address: string
          symbol: string
          name: string
          decimals: string
          price: string
          volume: string
          tvl: string
    message: 'Success'
    isError: false

Get Pools Count

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/pools/count

Displays number of liquidity pools deployed on various DEX's including UniswapV2, Sushiswap, and more.

    data: number
    message: 'Success'
    isError: false

Last updated