
All endpoints and responses specific to the Pepe Analytics Dashboard

Get Dashboard Home

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/dashboard/home

Returns the current gas price, new pairs deployed in the last day, timeseries volume data on DEX's, and a count of the new pairs in the last day.

    data: {
        currentGas: number,
        newPairs: [                                    # New liquidity pools created in the last day on UniSwap and SushiSwap 
                address: string
                createdAt: string
                txCount: string
                volumeUSD: string
                protocol: 'uniswap' | 'sushiswap'
                tradeLink: string
                usdPrice: string
                tvl: {
                    usd: string
                    eth: string
                baseToken: {
                    address: string
                    symbol: string
                    name: string
                    decimals: string
                    price: string
                    volume: string
                    tvl: string
                quoteToken: {
                    address: string
                    symbol: string
                    name: string
                    decimals: string
                    price: string
                    volume: string
                    tvl: string
        pairsCount: number
        chartData: {                                # Timeseries data on each DEX
            uniswap: [
                    x: string (UTC)
                    y: number
            sushiswap: [
                    x: string (UTC)
                    y: number
    message: string
    isError: boolean

Get Dashboard Token

GET https://api.pepeanalytics.com/v1/dashboard/token/:address

Gets all data on a token including first 10 transactions, PEPEAI holders and their balances, up to 150 transactions per pool (if any), all normal token data, and more

    data: {
        address: string
        symbol: string
        name: string
        decimals: string
        txCount: string
        createdAt: string
        chainId: string
        owner: string
        volume: {
            eth: string
            usd: string
        price: {
            eth: string
            usd: string
        marketCap: {
            eth: string
            usd: string
        totalSupply: string
        deployer: string
        score: string
        analysis: {
            pools: {
                count: string
                list: [
                        address: string
                        name: string
                        totalSupply: string
                        base: {
                            symbol: string
                            address: string
                            reserve: string
                        balances: {
                            owner: string
                            deployer: string
                            burned: string
                            locked: string
                            unlocked: string
                        topHolders: [
                                address: string
                                balance: string
                        locks: [],
                        txs: [
                                amount: string
                                hash: string
                                timestamp: string
                                pool: string
                                type: string
                                address: string
            holders: {
                count: string
                top: [
                        address: string
                        balance: string
                        is_contract: boolean
                creatorHoldsLittle: boolean
                othersHoldLittle: boolean
                topTenRatio: string
            balances: {
                locked: {
                    amount: string
                    share: string
                burned: {
                    amount: string
                    share: string
                unlocked: {
                    amount: string
                    share: string
                owner: {
                    amount: string
                    share: string
                deployer: {
                    amount: string
                    share: string
            allocation: {
                team: string
                community: string
            contract: {
                verifiedSource: boolean
                ownershipRenounced: boolean
                hasFeeModifier: boolean
                hasMaxTransactionAmount: boolean
                hasMint: boolean
                hasPause: boolean
                isUpgradable: boolean
                hasBlacklist: boolean
                buyFee: number
                sellFee: number
                isSellable: true,
                isFlagged: false
        percentChange: {
            price: {
                daily: number
                weekly: number
                monthly: number
            volume: {
                daily: number
                weekly: number
                monthly: number
        firstTxs: [
                timestamp: string
                to: string
                from: string
                amount: string
                hash: string
                asset: string
        pepeAiHolders?: [
                address: string
                balance: string
        devActivity?: [
                datetime: string
                activity: number
        mentions?: [
                datetime: string
                mentionsCount: number
    "message": "Success",
    "isError": false

Last updated